Saturday, March 3, 2012

Final Tally

Miles flown:  Over 33,000
Miles on the train:  About 600

Hours in the air:  96.5
Hours on the train:  a little less than 5

Airfare:  $4196.31
Train:  $227 
Hotel:  $413.26

Total travel:  $4836.57

My "airtime" alone amounted to an impressive four days (more than 96 hours).  The total travel cost, once I include other expenses, exceeds $5000.

Veit, founder of the Hospitality Club, has compiled a list of Spot Challengers here.  The second person to finish the Challenge, Jeff Chu, wrote about his experience for the Wall Street Journal.  He spent $2790 (+30,000 frequent-flyer miles).  Christina Ruiz of The Art Newspaper spent $3250.75.  Veit's flights cost 1059.37 euros. 

I'm feeling a little extravagant, but I'm definitely not Pictor Vinchuk, whose trip would have cost $108,572.

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